Crypt21 - Crypto for the 21st Century

This ain't your daddy's crypto!

Our project is providing a set of libraries and utilities to implement a variety of advanced cryptographic functions which are quite different in character from most of those found on the net.

These aren't simple encrypt/sign/decrypt/verify utilities. Nor do they provide an ever-growing laundry list of interchangeable encryption and hash functions.

Rather, we are taking cutting-edge cryptographic protocols and systems from current academic research and making them available now, for people to begin using and experimenting with. Among the utilities available or planned:

All our projects are written in C and use OpenSSL as the crypto library. They are being developed in Linux but should be portable to Windows or Mac easily enough. They are command-line based in order to demonstrate the crypto functionality. We encourage enthusiasts to wrap GUIs around these programs and make them even more accessible and fun for average users.

We have more project ideas in mind, plus the research community is constantly coming up with new protocols and technologies, most of which never make it out of the academic journals. We are dedicated to bringing this technology to life and giving it a real-world tryout. Stay tuned for more good stuff! Logo